Choral Anthem Project

Year – A
Year – B
Year – C

Introduction: Around 1993-94 the members of the Education Committee of the Director of Music Ministries Division (DMMD) of NPM, under the chairmanship of Sr. Sheila Browne, RSM, initiated what was to become known as the “Lectionary Project.” The vision of the Education Committee was simply to compile a list of choral anthems that would be related to any of the four main scriptures of a given Sunday liturgy. What at first seemed a simple task soon turned into an undauntingly complicated one. The size of the project as well as the fact that music is taken out of print on a regular basis made posed many problems. For example, the original intention of the committee was to publish a book listing all of the material. However, since music is taken out of print on a regular basis, it was felt that the collection would be out of date before it actually was published. So, another vehicle for publishing this information was sought. In 1999 the committee decided to have the material posted on the NPM website.

Purpose: to list repertory suggestions for parish choir directors, independent of publishing industry interests, so that those responsible for selecting and preparing choral anthems may have a rich store of selections of high quality choral music related to the Sunday scriptures from which to choose.

Listing Criteria:

  • Anthems be directly related to the Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament or Gospel of the day from the Lectionary or the Entrance Antiphon or Communion Song from the Sacramentary, whether directly quoting the scripture, paraphrasing the scripture or supporting the thematic content of the scripture
  • Music for choirs of all sizes, voicing and levels of ability should be included (unison through SSAATTBB, children’s ensembles through adult)
  • Anthems are recommended because of the quality of the compositional craft and the relationship of its text to scripture and have received merit (or demonstrate the potential of merit) through use over time

The music has been suggested because, in the judgment of the committee, it has established its validity through use to be good music and appropriate ritually and/or liturgically for worship.

Key to Music


* Out of Print
1 Related to first reading
PS Related to responsorial psalm
2 Related to second reading
G Related to gospel
C Related to Communion antiphon
E Related to entrance antiphon

To submit an anthem to be listed please send a copy of the music to:

Henry Bauer

If you find an anthem out of print, please send an e-mail to:
