Have you considered joining NPM, but don't see the year-round benefits?

Try NPM for 30 days, risk-free!

An NPM membership is a powerful opportunity for networking, career advancement, and resources, directly the national church music community. To help you experience what NPM has to offer, we are offering a free 30-day trial. This 30-day trial membership offers 30 days of free NPM membership at all membership levels: Basic, Standard and Premium. 
Through the 30-day trial you can…
  • Learn about the ways you can professionally advance through NPM Certificates 
  • Plan for the next liturgical season using NPM’s LiturgyHelp Planning Calendar (Standard and Premium Membership)
  • Explore the Members’ Area of Exclusive Videos and Resources (Standard and Premium Membership)
  • Access a 10-year archive of Pastoral Music magazine, NPM’s quarterly magazine (Standard and Premium Membership)
  • Receive weekly reflections, bi-weekly newsletters, and additional regularly-offered email resources from NPM
  • Plan for attending future programming, both in person and online, for 2023-2024 
  • …and more!
Take advantage of this free trial by clicking here and using the promo code “NPMTRIAL“. Contact the NPM office at NPMsing@npm.org with any additional questions.