Many Churches, One Church (English)

Muchas iglesias, una sola Iglesia (Spanish)

A Church That Looks and Sounds Like Mercy (English)

Una Iglesia de apariencia similar a la misericordia (Spanish)

Christian Matrimony: A Marriage of Many Cultures with Faith (English)

Matrimonio: Un vínculo de muchas culturas con fe (Spanish)

Bishops’ Responsibility: Good Liturgy (English)

Responsabilidad de los obispos: Una buena liturgia (Spanish)

Catechumenate: Basic Training in Christian Life (English)

Catecumenado: Formación básica sobre la vida cristiana (Spanish)

Learning to Sing Lament (English)

Hay que aprender a cantar un lamento (Spanish)

“They Sing a New Song” (English)

“Cantan un canto nuevo” (Spanish)

“When in Rome . . .” (English)

“A donde fueres . . .” (Spanish)

Upgrading the Postconciliar Renewal (English)

Actualización de la renovación postconciliar (Spanish)

Come and See . . . and Hear . . . and Sing (English)

Vengan y vean . . . y escuchen . . . y canten (Spanish)

In the Unity of the Holy Spirit (English)

En la unidad del Espíritu Santo (Spanish)

Chant: Older than Church, New as Tomorrow (English)

El Canto: Tan antiguo como la Iglesia; tan nuevo como mañana (Spanish)

Worshiping in “Continuous and Unbroken Tradition” (English)

Rendir Culto en una “tradición continua e intacta” (Spanish)

With Joyful Song (English)

Con canto alegre (Spanish)

Serving the Liturgy where the Military Serves (English)

Sirviendo la liturgia donde sirven los militares (Spanish)

Composers and Music for Worship (English)

Los compositores y la música para el culto (Spanish)

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism . . . One Song (English)

Un Sólo Señor, Una Sola Fe, Un Sólo Bautismo . . . Una Sola Canción (Spanish)

Liturgical Ensembles

Gregorian Chant Today

Sing to the Lord: Guidelines for Sung Worship

Mentoring Youth into Music Ministry

How Firm a Foundation: Basic Principles of the Liturgy

Singing Songs of Expectation

Word & Music in Worship: A Powerful Combination

Learners, Teachers, Pilgrims: Singers

A Multicultural Church at Worship: Promise and Challenge

Priest, Liturgy, Song: Making Connections

Singing Together in the Vineyard of the Lord

Accessible Worship

The Church Prepares for Worship

A Place of Change and of Hope

Ministers to Sung Worship: The Choir
