Resources for Cantors
(en inglés solamente)

Pertinent Church Documents

Resource Publications

Helpful Articles on the Ministry of the Cantor

Pastoral Music

Ministry of the Cantor/Psalmist


Responsorial Psalms: For nearly three years, Patricia Datchuck Sánchez provided a regular column on the texts of the responsorial psalms. Here, arranged by liturgical cycle (Year A, B, C), are the references for her articles.

Years A, B, C:

Year A:

Year B:

Year C:

Vocal Skill

GIA Quarterly

Ministry of the Cantor/Psalmist

Vocal Skill

Pastoral Liturgy


Registration is open!

Register today for the 47th Annual NPM National Convention (Kansas City, Missouri, July 8-11, 2024). Advance pricing ends on 6/1,- don’t delay!