An Update on the Essentials of Catholic Liturgy
As of January 14, 2025:
Track 2 of The Essentials of Catholic Liturgy, originally scheduled for Winter 2025, has been cancelled. LTP and NPM are reviewing the upcoming training schedule, and we anticipate sharing the schedule for upcoming offerings in Spring 2025.
Updates regarding the next offerings of ECL will be provided on the NPM website as well as via email.
About the Essentials of Catholic Liturgy
LTP, in partnership with the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM), introduces a series of training courses: The Essentials of Catholic Liturgy (ECL). Offered in three tracks to assist participants in need of various levels of instruction, these training courses offer instruction and formation in the fundamentals of Catholic liturgy and the essential liturgical documents.
Each track is a collaborative form of learning that combines expert presentations on the history and theology of liturgy with a chance to engage in mystagogical reflections with others in the course.
ECL will be offered virtually throughout the year and live at the annual NPM convention. The online course will be offered periodically and will consist of six ninety-minute sessions. Participants will be assigned texts to read and videos to watch between the weekly sessions and will receive access to special downloads, videos, and a class forum.
The Essentials of Catholic Liturgy will benefit:
- Music directors, especially those who are new or have recently acquired other liturgical responsibilities
- Cantors, accompanists, choir members
- Liturgy directors and worship committee members
- Those in lay ministry or diaconal formation programs