As a service to our members and visitors to our web page, we offer this index of the first thirty-two volumes of our magazine, Pastoral Music. You may download or print a copy of this index for your personal use, but additional use requires permission from the NPM Editorial Office. Phone: (240) 247-3000; e-mail:

Click on the appropriate link to go to the pdf file of the index that you need.

Issue Titles (Volumes 1-20 and 21-32)
The major articles in each issue of Pastoral Music focus on a particular theme or topic. To get a quick overview of the topics addressed in recent issues, check this part of the index.

Article Titles (Volumes 1-20 and 21-32
All of the major articles are listed here by their full titles.

Authors (Volumes 1-20 and 21 – 32
Interested in the thoughts of a particular author? Check this part of the index.

Subjects (Volumes 1 – 20 and 21 – 32
This part of the index lists the subjects that are addressed by the major articles. Check here for articles that address a particular topic either as the major subject of the article or as a topic related to that article’s major subject. Cross-references are also provided.

Features (Volumes 1 – 20 and 21 – 32
“Features” include such topics as book and music reviews, regular columns, and significant obituaries. Certain regular columns are not included in this index, since it is intended to serve pastoral musicians seeking assistance in choosing repertoire or improving their ministry.


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